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Works of Takashi Okada via hybridgraphic

A series of two type specimen books were maded by Andy Mangold for the typeface Clarendon. Nice view!
Via Cpluv.

Written by Theodore Rosendorf, The Typographic Desk Reference (aka TDR) is comprised of a thousand facts on the form of Latin-based writing systems. The book includes the following four main sections:

Terms – Definitions of format, measurements, practice, standards, tools, and industry lingo;
Glyphs – The list of standard ISO and extended Latin characters, symbols, diacritics, marks, and various forms of typographic furniture;
Anatomy & Form – Letter stroke parts and the variations of impression and space used in Latin-based writing systems;
— and Classification & Specimens – An historical line with examples of form from blackletter to contemporary sans serif types.

Designed for quick consultation, entries are concise and factual, making it handy for the desk. Its foreword is written by Ellen Lupton. The book will be published in 2009 but you can already pre-order it there.

via cpluv
